rise above the rest

Lake Street Consulting

we're here to help

We get it. You're busy and things are going well, but they could be going better. A little help, some additional insight and expertise, and the flexibility to bring on the necessary talent without having to educate, train, and commit to a large salary and employee benefits. That's where we come in. 

With Lake Street Consulting you'll get the firepower of marketing experience from top-tier ad agencies and blue chip brands across many industries.  Whether you're looking to breathe new life into your brand, help create a new breakthrough campaign, or working to scale and grow your company to the next level through increased sales and new business, we'd love to work with you to do some great work and have a little fun together.

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Lake Street Consulting

what we do

Frankly, with over three decades in advertising we've covered a lot of ground and can likely help with a wide variety of needs. We've highlighted a few of these areas and we're happy to discuss others you might have as well.

Whatever it is we do together, we are always focused on your goals and work in a highly collaborative way with absolutely no surprises along the way.


Starting with brand strategy and through to messaging and design, we can help you create your new brand or evolve and breathe new life into an existing one with our proprietary

"Brand Pull" to attract your target audience.


Whether you're looking for an outside opinion and marketing advice, or you need a partner to help bring together a team to bring your brand to life, we're happy do what you need. 


Growth is the life-blood of any business, and working across sales and marketing to drive new business is a key area of expertise where we can help you "rise above the rest."

who we've helped

Sure we're a pretty new agency, but over the years our people have done great work and helped some of the top brands as well as challenger brands to achieve their goals, create meaningful messaging, and differentiate themselves from the rest of the noise and clutter in today's consumer and business marketplaces.

Global brands: Abbott, AT&T, Citi, Fidelity, Ford, GE, International, Kraft, U.S. Marine Corps, Western Union, and more.

Chicago brands: City of Chicago, Chicago Department of Public Health, CEC, Illinois Lottery, and more.

Healthcare brands: Emory Healthcare, Endeavor Health, University of Iowa Health Care, UC Medicine, and more.

Agency brands: DDB/Omnicom, FCB/Interpublic Group, JWT/WPP, SPM Group - Unlock Health/Private Equity

free consultation

Send us your contact details and we’ll schedule a quick meeting to discuss your situation, goals, and get to know each other and see how we can help.

Shoot us an email at  contact@lakestreetconsulting.net

Or give us a quick call at  630.640.6276

Thanks for your consideration of Lake Street as the right partner to have by your side.

contact us now
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